E Alpine Tadpole

Here is our Alpine Tadpole trike, named Maggie by our generous donor.

Gifted to BikeActive Norfolk, this Alpine Tadpole configuration trike has electric assist and with its two-lead wheel arrangement is very stable, something that not all standard arrangement trikes can claim.

Some worry about not getting a workout with electric assist. I assure them you will! ... pedalling is a necessity before any assist is offered, it is a cycle not a motorcycle after all 😉

What is there not to like... a low step frame, incredible stability, single-gear with electric assist and a shopping basket for bags, water bottles, canes as well as for carrying a spare battery in the unlikely event we have not charged the one in use... it has happened! Enjoy riding out on Maggie if stability is an issue or a little bit of assistance is needed.

Reservations can be made up to 30 days in advance.

Maggie image