Hase | Kettweisel semi-recumbent

Our Hase Kettweisel with its electric assist is perfect for many recovering from illness or injury. It is easy to get on and off this trike, with its very effective handbrake and pedalling it could not be easier. If you are struggling the E assist will help you along. It is so much more stable than the standard delta trike design, with its capacious seat and easy steering system. This clever piece of equipment allows many to keep cycling, even when not physically at their best.

We already have a queue of riders wanting to use this trike, having tried it and overcome their initial reticence. They have realised that this semi-recumbent design is safe, stable, easier to pedal and just great fun. If you think FREDDY might be for you, book early and give him a try.

Reservations can be made up to 30 days in advance.

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